Sunday, December 24, 2006

Last Day of School before Winter Break

On the last day of school before winter break, my Drama 12 class performed a play. The best part was behind the scenes, on our last practice... we (well... mostly Tonya!) Took so many pictures!!

As seen below... The top is Brent, Luise, me, and Wayne. God I look short!
The one below that is Brent, as the old fat rat.
The next one is Wayne, as the hot camper...
After that is me and Wayne.
The one after that is Tonya, in that oh so fine hat!
Below THAT is Greg, as the oh so sexy mayor. Hahaha

And... Hell yes, my group won the gingerbread village competition. Mostly because of Sam... haha.. We won a huge bag of chocolate.

There was five groups, we received 4 votes, the next group received 3, and the other three groups got 1 vote each.
Below is Tonya and Sam behind the winning village, then it's me and Sam behind the village. Sam was included in both of the pics, just because she's the reason we won.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

GingerBread Village

In our Foods class, we've been given a challenge. What is this challenge? Building a gingerbread village. The winners of this challenge will receive a bag of Swiss chocolate. So, if my group wins, someone will be receiving a lot of chocolate from me for Christmas.

Me, Tonya, and Sam were in a group together, and made a sweet village. :-)

Sam, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have a village. You came up with so many awesome ideas. The candy canes, the ice cream cones, the Cheerios, and so much more!. Sam, if we win, it's mostly because of you! Thank-you soo much!

Tonya, hey, how's the wall holding up? Hahaha.. sorry, that was funny :-P I know you think I've been bossy (in a couple things) or i criticize to much... and I'm sorry about that, but, come-on... you always said that you wanted Sam or Me to help you in foods class, because you "couldn't" cook or bake, and we try to help you, you get mad! And you can cook and bake, so... *sticks out tongue*

Then there was me. I put stuff together and made the glue (aka icing). I think i did good :) ... or so I thought... I don't know. We'll see tomorrow when the villages get judged!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas Spirit

Well, with only 5 days left until Christmas, there is a lot of Christmas Spirit in the air! Today, I finished wrapping all my presents! That took awhile, because I had a lot to wrap. And now... We sure have a lot of presents under our tree!

Today, In our Foods class, we were working on our gingerbread villages. We started to put everything together. We have our school, with the cutest trees ever! The Big Christmas tree is... interesting though... Sam and I sure got messy doing it.

In our Art class, we (along with the grade 8s) went down to the Elementary School to watch their Christmas concert. That was actually pretty good! The pre-schoolers were sooooo adorable (love you Madison! you looked sooo cute). As were the kindergardeners (Love you lots Heather!). The best play was the grade 6-7s. Theirs was soo funny... Grandma got run over by a reindeer... and lost her wig!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

...I hate Root beer...

again... it's scary how accurate it can be... But, I HATE Root Beer

You Are Root Beer

Ultra sweet and innocent, you have a subtle complexity behind your sugary front.
Children love you, but so do high end snobs... when you're brewed right.

Your best soda compatibility match: Dr. Pepper

Stay away from: Diet Coke

Monday, December 11, 2006

. . .this wasn't a game

On December 11, 2006, CBC: The National, had their Report from CFB Edmonton (the Army Base in Edmonton.) My cousin Jessica Guerin, and her fiance, Jason Lamont are stationed there.
At the beginning of the news cast, they showed a video of the people sitting around the base, watching the newscast. Jessie, Jason, and their son Liam were showed quite clearly. (you can see pictures of them in my past blogs.) Both Jessie and Jason were dressed in their Camo uniforms, while Liam was sitting on Jessie, fussing. He had his hair in a mohawk! SO CUTE!

We didn't see them for a bit, until the cut to a commercial. Before the commercials, they previewed their next stories. They showed a snippet of Jason, talking about Afghanistan!

Later on in the Newscast, they interviewed Jason, and 2 other soldiers. These soldiers have won the Medal of Military Valour. The section they were in was called "Home Stories, The Home Front."

It showed video of soldiers in Afghanistan... while they were in a gun battle. It was really scary, because I saw Jason in that Video. He was running, trying to get to the injured, because he is a medic. A quote from him, "A bullet shot past my head, that's when I realised, this wasn't a game." That was a eye popper. Thats when I reliased how close he was to... something I don't want to even think about. That was more of a reality check, then almost anything else I've heard.

Friday, December 08, 2006

The Cooking Photographer...

Yes... It is true... I am a Cooking Photographer!

It all started like a ususal Friday... except one thing... This Friday was our Christmas Banquet! So, after just reporting to our first class, we went into the Foods room, and started cooking! But, before I was able to leave my first class... I was given the school's Camera, and told to take pictures. I'm am now the Photographer!
Now... when I went into the Foods room, we started cooking the big feast. SO... that made me A cooker!

So... Photographer + Cooker = Cooking Photographer!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Hahaha! this proves that I am a Scorpio! WHoooo!

You are 87% Scorpio

I'm Ernie!

It's Kinda scary how accurate these things can be...

You Are Ernie

Playful and childlike, you are everyone's favorite friend - even if your goofy antics get annoying at times.

You are usually feeling: Amused - you are very easily entertained

You are famous for: Always making people smile. From your silly songs to your wild pranks, you keep things fun.

How you handle your life: With ease. Life is only difficult when your friends won't play with you!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Alice A Wonderland

Remi and Me enjoying the ride back to Clinton...
What Fun!

So... on Friday some students from DSS went to Kamloops to the Sagebrush Theater. There, they were performing a play called "Alice A Wonderland."
It was a play somewhat based on Alice in Wonderland, but I wasn't too impressed. I've seen three other plays there, and this would have to be my least favorite.
It doesn't help that the flowers scared the crap out of me... COME ON! It takes a VERY secure man to wear a tight spandex suit... and dance around. Me and Remi almost killed ourselves laughing. That was probably the most entertaining, and somewhat disturbing part of the play. Oh... and the really fat twins were awesome too.
All in All... I'd give this play a 3 out of 5.