Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End...
I went and saw that today with Remi....
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
What an awesome movie..... correction... What an awesome FANTASTIC movie. It is now one of my favorite movies.
Not only was Johnny Depp INCREDIBLY hot... There was a scene when there were at least 50 Captain Jack Sparrows on a ship... god... I'm going to be dreaming about that tonight... *drools* ....damn... "Does he plan everything... or just make it up as he goes along?"
Then... there was Jack the Monkey... that kid is awesome! He blew up a building with a firecracker.
Oh and geez...
Oh and geez...
"Barbosa, Will you Marry us?"
*stops sword fight*
"I'm a LITTLE busy right NOW!"
*starts sword fighting*
*starts sword fighting*
I laughed so hard....
"NOBODY MOVE.... I dropped my brain." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA what good times.
Definitely goo see this movie. Worth the 3 hours in the theater... doesn't even feel like 3 hours.
(sigh) I want to see POTC AWE so very muchly! I love Depp and Knightley.
ITS TORTURE actually hes so SOO hot and we cant even touch HAHAHA!!! woo that was a fun day
love ya cupcake!
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