Wow.... thats all I can really say... Wow.
This is our last blog for writing... EVER. Not only is this the last blog... but this is that last day of regular classes. I can't believe it... I think it's finally starting to sit in.
I'm going to miss this class, and highschool. I can't believe that it's ending. Writing has been a great class. I've learned alot about taking pictures, writing (of course!), journalism... everything! I loved almost everything we've done in this class... It's been one of my favorite classes.
I'll remember all the good times... the pictures (what fun!!!) Writing for the newsletter.... everything!
Thank-You Ms Waddlegger, for everything you've done! It was a good year.
I'm going to miss everyone... It's been a great year! Hope you all had one too. MISS and LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!