Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Well, I have something good, and something bad to say about Chemistry.
...Now what can be good about Chemistry? Hahaha.. everything is bad about Chemistry.

As of 3:00p.m. Wednesday January 31, 2007, I have officially finished Chemistry 11! That's the good thing! The Exam wasn't that long.. 15 pages... but the questions took awhile! I wasn't finished one question when time ran out. Oh well... hahaha... I didn't know how to do it anyway... Dissociation sucks! On the rest of the questions, I think I did awesome! We shall see when I get the marks back...

Now, the bad thing. Chemistry 12 is not being offered at my school. I don't necessarily need it... it's just 'highly recommended' that I take it for the Bachelor's of Science in Nursing. So... I'll either take if through correspondence, or through e-learning. I'm hoping e-learning. So... no matter what... this new semester should be interesting.

UPDATE: I got 76% on the EXAM.. totally awesome!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Well... on January 21, the Family Mangement class went down to the local Preschool, and played with the kids! As seen in the picture beside this, I'm painting with a little girl named Eden! I loved her to bits, she was one of the cutest kids, and loved to paint!

After staying in class for a while, we went down to the gym, and had a "snowball fight"... We used newspaper! The little kids totally won! They attacked me a couple times, and then, jumped on me! As seen in the picture beside this, Eden is on top of me!

Heres a close up of the dogpile... I'm still stuck on the bottem! Eden is throwing a "snowball" in my face, while Wyatt (the cutest little boy!) is there, also throwing a "snowball" at me... after this was taken, Wyatt jumped on me too!

Well.... How is it remotely fair that It's always me on the bottom of a dogpile? With little kids, OK, I understand, and at least I can breathe with them ontop of me.... But REMI? Come on! That was a little cruel. Do you think I can breathe? Uh.. NO.....

Monday, January 22, 2007


Well... It's finally happened...
Something my mom, and my best friends, have been saying right from the beginning of the school year.
It's finally happened... and looking back... I'm surprised it took this long.

Now... I bet you're wondering... what the heck?

Well, maybe I should give you a little background.
This year... is stressful. Really, really, really stressful.

1)I have a full course load (Chemistry 11, Family Management 12, Art 12, Writing 12 and Foods 12) which gives me ALOT of homework... and Exams are coming up.. thats not counting next semesters classes as well
2)Batons twice a week... with some weekends and alot of fundraising... I have 6 major routines, 3 non-major ones. We're hoping to go to Canadians
3) Work.... i work every other weekend, 2-8pm. That wears you out, and is a bit stressful.
4) Grad... I Graduate this year... and Jesus we are doing alot of fundraising... it seemed like we were always doing something...
5)... health problems... I'll leave it at that.
6)...something that happened to me in July.. and I'm still feeling the effects.
7) applying for university

Now... adding this up... You'd say I have a pretty busy schedule eh? .... Stressful too... really Stressful....

Well... It's finally caught up with me.
7months worth a stress... What does it usually do to you?

Well..... I cracked..... I completely broke down.
...I don't know how it happened... I was sitting watching some TV, when my mom says something about university to my sister, and... all of a sudden... I'm crying... a couple minutes later... completely bawling... I didn't know what i was crying about... my mom asked what's wrong... and I completely let loose at her... and start a yelling match.... I went into my room, and just cry... and... that's when it I realised...
I can't do this anymore...

Have you ever felt that kind of feeling of hopelessness? The feeling of, what the hell am I doing? Can I do this?

Well... thats what happened to me...
After I calmed down...
I went out to the living room and apologized to my mom....

Well... SO here I am now... sitting here... looking back at how stressful and busy the last couple months were... and looking ahead at how they next couple of months will be... should be interesting to see how i can handle everything.

Friday, January 19, 2007


Batons. Yet again.
Well, we've found out when wer'e going to die again... Uh, I mean get the end of are routines. Febuary 3-4. Melinda is coming up to give us the end of our Freestyles, Pairs, and Teams. That is going to be one lonnnnnnngggg weekend. I have a freestyle, pairs, and 4 teams!!!!! I have the most of anyone....
"Shes got the look", "You Can't Stop the Beat", "Life is a Highway", "Supergirl", "Ladyhawk", and "Staying Alive"..

The last routine there is kinda ironic... we're so going to die after every routine...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Well... we're getting closer to grad... Only about a semester LEFT... thats a scary thought... I'm afraid!

Today, we had a grad meeting. The grads finally decided on a theme.
There were four themes to pick from...

Black and White
Winter Wonderland

The grads decided on...... Black and White Paris!!!!!! Should be funnnn!!! And.... interesting....

That was not all we decided on...
We voted on Valedictorian...
dun dun dun....

Christine Guerin & Alex Cole!
Whooooooooooooooooooo! This is going to be soooo much fun!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Happy Feet

On Boxing Day, I went and saw the movie "Happy Feet" In theaters.

That, had to of been one of the cutest movies I have ever seen. Penguins are just soooo adorable, and I totally fell in love with this movie!

How could you not? Seeing a baby penguin, who was just to cute for words, do an awesome cute little tap dance... just made me go Awwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Also, in this movie, Robin Williams played two characters. One of them was a spunky little penguin. I loved him, he was awesome. The other one was a fat penguin called "LoveLace" haha.. he was funny.

I'm a sucker for cute, cuddly, adorable, and anything like that! So, I'm going to give this movie a 4 1/2 out of 5.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I'm a mommy!!!!!

Yes, you read the title right... I'm a mommy... His name is Bosco Dante.
Interesting name isn't it? Bosco is an Itailan name, as is Dante. I got the names off a TV show... Bosco was the cop... Dante the bad guy... hahaha...
But, who's the father? I have several people claiming they're the father... SO, i'm keeping the identy of the father... hush... for now..

Now, I bet some are you are going... What the Heck?
Yeah, this is a project for our Family Mangement class. Our babies are not actually babies. They're bags of sugar... Yes... that's right... bags of Sugar. We have to care for them for a week, by taking them to classes, and even getting a baby sitter if we can't take care of them... It's an interesting project eh?

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Years

New Years Was fun. Went to a party :) Kassy, as seen above shooting pool, was the hostess. Hahaha... besides a couple death threats for those giving her younger brother anything more to drink, she was in a good mood most of the night.
Here is me, Studley the cat, Ryan, and Teri. The cat was definately cute, and cuddley. Also... a bit fat. hahaha
Here's Todd, pimping it up. There's Tonya on his right, Teri on top of him, and me on his left. Can you see him? haha... look for his head! thats about as much as you can find.

Heres another pimp... But, Kalen is going for older women, eh?
Another thing about New Years is that the Grad class put on a New Years Dance. The pictures above and below are pics of us setting up. The Dance supposedly went really well, and we made alot of money. Clean-up didn't take long either.