WHEW!!!!!!! What a weekend... we had our first baton competition... and... I was not at all nervous, and I have no idea why....
Well, not being nervous must have helped or something, because... DANG was I on FIRE!!!!! I was catching everything! My cartwheels... my spins... my illusions.... my floor moves... I placed FIRST in Medley, Solodance, and Duet!!!! Which was completely odd, cause I made up most of my Medley and Solodance.... hahahaha.... But, as per always, the judeges say they love watching me, and that I'm a great performer, cause i get right into the routine and music..... That was just the individual events (not duet... but hey!)
Compulsories, Freestyle, and Pairs, we didn't get marks for, so we don't know how we did...
But our TEAMS.....
Layhawke was first (first pic) ....
HAHAHAHA what a disaster!!! We dropped everything! And it was all around horrible... but, thats ok!

Then was Life is a Highway (second pic)...
hahaha, we looked totally... gansta, or... hahaha, quoting a parent... "OH!! Are you guys from Grease [the movie]????"... Well.... wearing a black leather vest... maybe... I thought that the routine went great, and it was a lot of fun! get to use some total attitude in it!!!

My last team was Stayin' Alive.... (third pic)
That's was the best team ever!!! When we did it, it wasn't the best we've ever done... but we scored 58 (that's two points away from level A!!!!!) before penalties... we have NEVER scored over 50... so... we're like... hahahaha geeking out.

Looks fun and stressful at the same time... *-)
It totally did not feel like a competition, except maybe when we were lost! Imagine what score we would get for Staying Alive if we actually did it like we usually do.
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