Yikes!! I'm soooo Sorry SAM!!! Please don't be mad at me... I know we agreed that it's 50/50... but still... I feel so bad...
Ok... for those of you who are lost, and asking.. "What the heck?" Let me explain...
Sam and I are Pairs partners in Batons... we've been trying this trick were Sam cartwheels over my legs, with our batons in the air.
Sam always said I would drop her...
We don't really know what happened. She threw her baton, and went in to cartwheel. Her baton hit me, and the next thing both of us knew... Sam was on the floor.
She wasn't hurt! She's ok... she thinks she might have a black eye... and if she does, I'll feel soooo bad :(
My poor Sambo! I hope she's okay.........but I guess you guys are pretty used to injuries in batons.
I'm ok. All I got was tiny, sore bruise on my nose and a sore knee.And it was 50/50 so stop feeling bad.
Dam u Chrissy!! u hurt poor liitle sam. god wut did she ever do to you. try to be nicer. lol
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