Monday, November 20, 2006


I worked this weekend...
Saturday was a good night. We did extremely well. We were never really busy, just steady. There wasn't a time when there wasn't a customer in the restaurant. Made good tips too!

Sunday... well that's a completely different story. Sunday was Grey Cup day. Since the Grey Cup was on... we weren't really expecting anyone. So, 20 minutes after the last costumer left, we closed early. So instead of closing at 8:00pm, we closed at 4:00pm. Four hours early! Whoot!!!
Unfortunately... before we closed... Alex came in, and was a complete pig as usual. Not only did he make a complete mess, but he wrote his name in Ketchup on the table. He only left me a $2 tip as well. Pfft... so next time you come in Alex, I might just refuse to serve you ~_^ ...a word of warning.


Tonya said...

Yeah........Alex can be difficult sometimes........key word......... DIFFICULT.
Anyhoo....hope work goes better next time.

myself101 said...

Whoot? but yeah....

LemonadeK said...

Wow, that was really rude of Alex. The next time he comes in, you should block the door until he cleans up his mess. And annoy him for a bigger tip! ;)