Wednesday, February 28, 2007
My grad DRESS

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
mmm... spare block
I'm supposed to be doing the grad video during this block... well I've had this block for almost a month now, and I have not done any of the video...
Well, thats not true. Amanda and Mellisa has brought some.... but I still do not have enough to even think of starting the video.
Now, I know that alot of grads are in this Class... So... PLEASE if you read this... BRING IN SOME PICTURES.
Oh, I would also like suggestions for songs for the video... has to have no swearing etc.. (which totally ruins almost all the good songs out there)
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
My cousin...JASON!

2)Tower, from Sidney, B.C., assumed leadership of a military operation when his commander was killed, leading the troops safely out while under enemy fire.
3)Fitzgerald, from Morrisburg, Ont., drove a burning vehicle off a road so other vehicles in the convoy could escape enemy fire.
4)Denine, from St. John's, NL, manned his vehicle's exterior machine gun when the main cannon and machine gun malfunctioned, driving away enemy attackers.
5)Prohar helped launch a successful September 2006 counter-attack against the Taliban while working with U.S. special forces in southern Afghanistan.
6)Lamont, a medic, ran through enemy fire to check on a wounded colleague when his unit was ambushed in Afghanistan's Helmand province in July 2006.
"The shorter you are, the more bullets can go over your head," he said.
Monday, February 19, 2007
geez... my hair is short...
After... on the right
When I first went in, I wanted her (my hairdresser) to take off... about 5 inches I guess...
That would be about a inch or so below my shoulders.
Did my hairdresser do that? NO. She cut my hair TOO short. It's right at my shoulders at the longest point... at my chin at the shortest point...
Now, she said that this length looks really good on me, and I think, yeah, it's alright... a BIG change from what I had, mind you...
When I got to school, everyone was surprised... I got alot of ... "it looks cute" ... Made me think... are you just saying that to be nice?
Well... It grows back right? hahaha... so, come June (four months and 10 days till GRAD!!!) hopefully my hair will have grown two inches or so... it should! My hair does grow pretty fast... It grew about four inches between September and February...
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Lemon Meringue Pie!

Monday, February 12, 2007
Valentine's Dance
Friday, February 09, 2007
Yet again... BATONS
Haha... well, I absolutely hate the fact, that now that I'm a senior twirler and one of the better ones in the group, I have to teach the little kids! I get no fricking time to practice my own routines..
Like.. HELLO? Me and Sam are supposed to do a Duet (different from Pairs)! We have not even started it... because Miss Martin does NOT give us time. What are we supposed to do? Does she expect us to have EXCELLENCE, and move up to BI if she doesn't give us time to practice? Does she expect us to do EVERYTHING on our own time? Look, I don't fricking care, I'm not a coach. I should not have to do all their routines.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Baton... Workshop...
This weekend... was long...
We had a baton workshop this weekend. And boy.... did we work hard... REALLY HARD... after the workshop was done... I counted how many new brusies I had... my count came to 39 (most of which are on my legs and back)... and thats not counting my wrist which swelled to three times it's size (your fault Jane).
We first worked on our major group routine, Lady Hawke. It's a 8 minute routine. We changed alot of it... and gave me a FOUR baton trick. COME ON... do you know what they called it? My four baton is called "The Kill Chrissy Trick"... and it's SCARY. Also, in this routine, there's a short dancing part... hahaha... we were trying to teach Jane it... and Kassy had to yell out.. "NO! Don't THRUST!" ... we all almost died from laughing.
The next thing I worked on was my little girls' team Super Girl. Totally awesome!!! They have to do the Moonwalk! But... it is a little easy, so I might change some things.
After that, we worked on my Freestylem, She's Got the Look. Now... that's SCARY as well... There's this trick where I toss, spin, do a leap, turn, and catch under my leg in a kick... I caught it though! It looks great, but it's SCARY. I do some other freaky things as well... But I guess it won't be so bad after I have some time to practice it.My pairs (with Sam), You Can't Stop the Beat, came next. It is soooo fast, we're probally going to pass out half way through it. And... for Sam... really scary! She has some pretty scary tricks, with my supporting her. There's the cartwheel... and theres the roll over my back... Hahaha... I guess it's revenge over the "Kill Chrissy Trick" *evil laugh*
The next day... We worked on they Senior team Stayin' Alive... some of that is scary as well... but not that bad... There's this scary exchanfe in which Kassy (not looking) throws behind her, and I fall to the ground, do a fan roll, then catch. I haven't caught it yet, but at least I'm not a litte chicken **** like Pheadra, and I at least try.
My last thing for the work shop was Life is a Highway. We didn't quite finish it, but we added alot! Some of that is fun... I have to do some pretty wacky tosses into it... And the cartwheels are interesting. It's really fun! I love this routine.
Well... that pretty much sums up our baton workshop... We'll be having another one next month... Which is scary!
Thursday, February 01, 2007

I enjoyed going to this class, because I knew alot of the kids, and we got to play with them!
AS seen in the picture... theres me in the middle... Brenden on my right.. Topanga behind me... and Brent on my left.
Brent is the cutest little guy... and no matter what KASSY says, He's my boyfriend, not hers.